Friday 31 July 2020


Olympus E-M 10 Mark III, M. Zuiko 60mm macro, f 5, 1/250s, ISO 200

The sharp and/or irritating hairs present in many caterpillars are a good life insurance: they allow them to camouflage themselves among the plants and avoid being devoured by their predators.

Els pels punxants i/o irritatius presents en moltes erugues són una bona assegurança de vida: permeten camuflar-se entre les plantes i evitar ser devorades pels seus depredadors.

Friday 10 July 2020


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, M. Zuiko 60mm macro, f 5.6, 1/250, ISO 200

Cerambycidae are one of the most numerous families of beetles. They often have elongated and flattened bodies and very long horns. These horns are mainly used for touch, but we can also find sensors for temperature, humidity and chemical compounds.

Els Cerambícids són una de les famílies més nombroses de coleòpters. Tenen sovint el cos allargat, aplanat i les antenes molt llargues. Aquestes antenes serveixen principalment pel tacte, però també hi trobem sensors de temperatura, humitat i compostos químics.