Sunday 29 August 2021


Olympus E-M10, Zuiko 60mm. macro, f2.8, 1/250s, ISO 200

The caterpillars of the butterflies show three pairs of true legs in the thoracic segments with articulated knuckles and, somewhat apart, several pairs of false unarticulated legs in the abdominal segments that help it to cling strongly to the plant that provides them with 'food.

Les erugues de les papallones mostren tres parells de verdaderes potes en els segments toràcics amb artells articulats i, quelcom separades, varis parells de falses potes no articulades en els segments abdominals que l’ajuden a agafar-se fortament a la planta que els proporciona l’aliment.

Friday 6 August 2021


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, Zuiko 60mm macro, f4.5, 1/250, ISO 800

Caelifera are orthopteran insects with short antennae and hind legs adapted to jumping. Mostly diurnal, they take advantage of the heat of the sun to activate themselves and emit their characteristic song. Its auditory organs are located on each side of the abdomen.

Els celífers són ortòpters d’antenes curtes i potes posteriors adaptades al salt. D’hàbit principalment diürn, aprofiten la calor del sol per activar-se i emetre el seu cant característic. Els seus òrgans auditius es localitzen a cada banda de l’abdomen.


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, Zuiko 60mm macro, f10, 1/250, ISO 400

Ensifera are orthoptern insects with long antennae and hind legs adapted to jumping. Mostly nocturnal, they take advantage of warm summer nights to sing their characteristic song. Its auditory organs are located in the anterior tibiae.

Els ensífers són ortòpters d’antenes llargues i potes posteriors adaptades al salt. D’hàbit principalment nocturn, aprofiten les càlides nits d’estiu per emetre el seu cant característic. Els seus òrgans auditius es troben a les tíbies anteriors.