Friday 14 December 2018


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, M.Zuiko ED 60mm macro, f3.5, 1/20s, ISO 400
Some mushrooms have translucent bodies that seem to glow in the dark when the light affects a certain way.

Alguns bolets tenen cossos translúcids que semblen resplendir a la foscor quan la llum incideix d’una determinada manera.

Friday 16 November 2018


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, M. Zuiko ED 60mm macro, f3.2, 1/2s, ISO 800

The ferns were pioneers in incorporating the conductive vessels for the transport of water and nutrients throughout their body and that have become so necessary in the conquest of the land by the higher plants.

Les falgueres van ser pioneres en incorporar els vasos conductors pel transport d’aigua i nutrients al llarg del seu cos i que han esdevingut tan necessaris en la conquesta de la terra per part de les plantes superiors.

Friday 26 October 2018


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, 60 mm macro, f 3.2, 1/200 s, ISO 1600
The violet bracts of the small European oregano flower (Origanum vulgare) are quite obvious and allow all the inflorescence to be more attractive to the insects.

Les bràctees violàcies de la minúscula flor de l’orenga (Origanum vulgare) son força evidents i permeten fer tota la inflorescència més atractiva pels insectes.

Friday 5 October 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor 105 mm micro, f4, 1/160s, ISO 200

When we laterally press the corolla of a snapdragon flower (Antirrhinum majus), it opens up and takes a shape that reminds the mouth of some animals. For this reason, in many places it is commonly known with the name of these creatures.

Quan pressionem lateralment la corol·la d’una flor de conillet (Antirrhinum majus), aquesta s’obre i pren una forma que recorda la boca d’alguns animals. Per aquest motiu, en molts llocs se la coneix vulgarment amb el nom d’aquests criatures.

Friday 14 September 2018


Nikon D7200, Sigma 150-500mm, f8, 1/800s, ISO 640

This little chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) seems a bit worried. And there are reasons. When autumn comes, he will has to start sharing the scarce food available with the thousands of his fellows that will arrive during the corresponding migration.

Aquest petit mosquiter comú (Phyloscopus collybita) sembla una mica preocupat. I en té motius. Quan arribi la tardor, haurà de començar a compartir l’escàs menjar disponible amb els milers de congèneres que arribaran durant la migració corresponent.

Friday 24 August 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor 105 mm micro, f4, 1/500s, ISO 200

Throughout the summer, poppies expose their fruits in the form of dry capsules that show small openings under the upper disc where the tiny seeds appear when the plant is shaken by the wind.

Al llarg de l’estiu, les roselles deixen al descobert els seus fruits en forma de càpsules seques que mostren unes petites obertures sota el disc superior per on surten les diminutes llavors quan la planta és sacsejada pel vent.


Friday 3 August 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor 105mm micro, f 5.6, 1/125s, ISO 400
The bush crickets, who make the song by rubbing the base of the wings between them, have the hearing organs next to the front tibia.

Els ortòpters, que fan el cant fregant la base de les ales entre elles, tenen els òrgans auditius al costat de les tíbies anteriors.

Friday 13 July 2018


Nikon D7200, Tokina 12-28mm, f4, 13s, ISO 800

The presence of granite balls is frequent in the Serralada Litoral Park. Some of them, like those that make up the frog's cave, have served as shelter for the inhabitants of thousands of years ago.

La presencia de boles de granit és freqüent al Parc Serralada Litoral. Algunes d’elles, com les que formen la cova de la granota, han servit d’aixopluc als pobladors de fa milers d’anys.

Friday 22 June 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor micro 105 mm, f8, 1/640, ISO 200
The dragonflies keep the wings open and in a horizontal position when standing on a plant. This differentiates them from other similar insects.

Les libèl·lules mantenen les ales obertes i en posició horitzontal quan es paren damunt d’una planta. Això les diferència d’altres insectes similars.

Friday 1 June 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor micro 105 mm, f4, 1/250, ISO 200

The flowers of some plants like this mallow (Malva sp.) are opened when the day begins in order to the insects can take their appreciated pollen.

Les flors d’algunes plantes com aquesta malva (Malva sp.) s’obren quan comença el dia per tal que els insectes puguin endur-se el seu preuat pol·len.

Friday 11 May 2018


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, f5.6, 1/640s, ISO 200

The Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) uses tiny adhesive sheets that carry under the fingers to climb through the rocks and vertical walls, making easy the hunting of small invertebrates that make up their main diet.

El dragó comú (Tarentola mauritanica) aprofita unes diminutes làmines adhesives que porta sota els dits per enfilar-se per les roques i parets verticals tot facilitant la caça de petits invertebrats que constitueixen la seva dieta principal.

Friday 20 April 2018


Nikon D7200, Nikkor 105mm micro, f3.3, 1/80, ISO 100

The petals of some flowers show an intricate network of nerves, similar to veins full of blood, that remind us of their origin from the gradual transformation of some leaves.

Els pètals d’algunes flors mostren una intricada xarxa de nervis, similars a venes plenes de sang, que ens recorden el seu origen a partir de la transformació gradual d’algunes fulles.

Friday 30 March 2018


Nikon D7200, Tokina 12-28mm, f16, 2s, ISO 100

It is often a pleasure waiting for sunrise contemplating how the sea water slowly but persistently crumble and shape the form of the rocks along the coast while drawing completely abstract forms.

Sovint és un plaer esperar la sortida del sol contemplant com l’aigua del mar esmicola i modela lenta però persistentment la forma de les roques arran de costa tot dibuixant formes completament abstractes.

Friday 9 March 2018


Nikon D50, Sigma 150-300mm, f 6,3, 1/320s, ISO 200
Although rare, some specimens of black crowned heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) can be seen during the winter in the Catalan coast. A young specimen of the second year is betrayed by the adult plumage with a pale base of the jaw.

Encara que poc freqüents, alguns exemplars de Martinet de nit (Nycticorax nycticorax) es poden veure durant l’hivern als Aiguamolls del Llobregat. El plomatge d’adult amb la base de la mandíbula pàl·lida el delaten com un jove de segon any.

Friday 9 February 2018


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, M. Zuiko 12-42, f8, 1/320s, ISO 200

The sea often remember us that there is also life inside of it. In fact, it started there. Preservation is also our task.

El mar sovint ens recorda que també hi ha vida en el seu interior. De fet, allà va començar. Conservar-la també és feina nostre.

Friday 19 January 2018


Nikon D50, Nikkor 60mm micro, f16, 1/15s, ISO 200
In spite of belonging to a family of tropical fungi, the scarlet elf cup (Sarcoscypha coccinea) dares to grow on dead branches during the winters of the temperate zones of the planet...and he does this by showing his intense red color as an example of authentic bravery.

Malgrat pertànyer a una família de fongs tropicals, la cassoleta vermella (Sarcoscypha coccinea) s’atreveix a créixer sobre branques mortes durant els hiverns de les zones temperades del planeta...i ho fa mostrant el seu intens color vermell com una mostra d'autèntica valentia.