Sunday 9 June 2024


Olympus E-M10 Mark III, M. Zuiko 60mm. macro, f2.8, 1/100s. ISO 200

The lower lip of the flowers of the genus Antirrhinum presents a prominence that closes access to the interior of the flower and gives it the appearance of a face. By compressing this flower laterally, it looks as if dragon snap opens its mouth, which gives it the vulgar name (snapdragon).

El llavi inferior de les flors del gènere Antirrhinum presenta una prominència que tanca l’accés a l’interior de la flor i li dona l’aspecte d’una cara. En comprimir aquesta flor lateralment sembla com si un petit gos o conill obrís la boca, fet que li dona el nom vulgar (conillets, gossets).

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